Administering Peace
Examples of Civic Standards
Bill of Rights
The Standard: Whereas the Bill of Rights is sometimes used as a 'rule', it is also a standard. The standard is upheld as people and organizations make agreement that acknowledges each other's rights to freedom in the areas outlined in the Bill of Rights.
Details: Lately the freedoms granted to American citizens have been challenged. If we don't work to hold the standard between us in all arenas of life, we risk losing the freedoms granted by the Bill of Rights.
Image. Public Domain
Freedom of Speech
Source: The PAR Coalition
The Standard: The standard is to form a mutual agreement that officially acknowledges the worker's right to freedom of speech granted by the Bill of Rights.
Details: The PAR Coalition requests that their members pledge to support free speech. Those who implement a free speech policy create a standard for freedom of speech outside of their place of business. The standard officially acknowledges the worker's right to freedom of speech, outside of work and outside of confidential company matters, as granted by the bill of rights.
Image. Used by permission